gerald rockwell
Gerald Rockwell is an American Artist residing in Tucson Arizona. Though skilled with a brush he chooses abstract stone sculpture as his way to truly express his creativity. His philosophy throughout life is, it will all work out, and he incorporates that into his sculpture by working with the stone and not against it.
Gerald began sculpting after a trip exploring a great many museums and gardens across Europe where he found his inspiration. One of those is the Schonbruun Palace Gardens in Austria, which is home to many great works including Johann Willhelm Beyer. Fueled by a new desire to sculpt he became a self-taught sculptor.
In 1990 he graduated from the Art Center of Tucson as a certified commercial artist. He continued as a freelance commercial artist and illustrator for many years while continuing to sculpt.
Frustrated by his lack of success due in part to not being able to pay bills and support his family in 2002 he put away the chisel and set art aside.
In the summer of 2017, he was asked to repair one of his sculptures, a small angel which had fallen onto the floor and was badly damaged. Instead of repairing the original piece, he decided to create a new piece. It was during this process that Gerald realized how much he enjoyed sculpting. Wanting to create larger pieces of work and not knowing where to get good quality stone he approached a local lapidary who referred him to a dependable stone supplier in Kansas. He was instructed to pick up the stone at a secondary address which turned out to be the home of recognized sculpture artist, Merlin Cohen.
Gerald continues to sculpt under the instruction of Merlin Cohen.
Whether it's forming the stone into abstract organic shapes, representing a figure from nature or a mythological creature, he finds the image in the stone and releases it for all to see while embracing the imperfections that represent life itself.