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pasty weingart

All Patsy Weingart prints are available in various sizes. If you do not see the size you are looking for please contact us about a custom size order. The prices shown are starting prices. Click product for more size options.

While I’ve always loved photography I didn’t commit to really learning to use a camera until I began thinking about a trip to Africa in 2011. Having retired from working as a perfusionist running the heart-lung machine for my father in surgery for 20 years while raising 4 children I am now able to travel.

My daughter went with me on my first African adventure and what an adventure it was. So many photographic opportunities…..we landed on a dirt airstrip in a plane the size of a soup can, canoed on a small channel with charging hippos, walked with lions, dinned by candlelight to the sounds of hyena, fished for the mighty tiger fish on the Zambezi River, rode elephants on safari, played with orphaned cheetahs……

I came home from that trip with better images than I thought possible, totally obsessed with Africa and even more enthusiastic about photography and learning new editing techniques. Now my first thought when planning a trip is always what does it offer me photographically.

I often tell people that if only I would settle on one genre I might actually become a good photographer…..wildlife, children, street photography, black and white, it’s all good!

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